So, I'm not a music elitist. By that I mean, I don't have highly formed tastes in regard to lyrical quality, musical style or deep intellectual stimulation. I know what I like when I hear it, and then I listen to it over and over again. Chris Tomlin, Amy Nobles and Ginny Owens have all been recent favorites. Lately, however, I've been in a bit of a lull, needing some new inspiration and not sure where to look. I heard this song a couple times on the radio, and when I googled it I found it was by another artist I like, Jason Gray. Thought I would share it today.
And being the impulsive person that I can sometimes be, I bought the whole album, just for fun. As I've listened to it this morning, several songs have resonated with my spirit. One in particular seems to capture the essence of a journey I've been on lately. It's called Holding the Key.
To describe how it captures an essence, I would have to explain the journey, and I'm not sure I'm ready for the long post that will need to be. So, suffice it to say that I've been learning how to do relationships all over again. I've discovered some things about myself, about the way I do friendship, and about the things I'm afraid of. There are a couple people in my life who have become a safe launching pad for me to walk out, with fear and trembling, a new way of doing friendship. It has both exposed my insecurities, and unveiled deep joy. I sometimes feel scared that I can't really bond in deep friendship, and a sometimes feel giddy with the delight of the knowledge of a girlfriend who knows my heart, reads my texts, and still likes me.
Having some friends who see my neediness and still want to be friends with me has led me to a place of freedom, and that's where this song intersects my life - at the place where I realize that I need people in my life in order to be the woman God created me to be. The chorus says:
We were made with these hearts
Meant to be open
Then we locked them away
Afraid of being broken
But we're given each other to set it free
And you're the one holding the key
So, right now I know who's holding the key for me. Who is holding the key for you?
You can find the full song lyrics here: Holding the Key
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