Saturday, July 23, 2011


So, for many, many years I have identified with giraffes. It's a long story - one I don't have time to wax eloquent on tonight. Suffice it to say that I counseled at a camp that required animal names for the staff. I was tall. Someone said I should be "Giraffe." I had no objection. And that was that.

Except that I worked at the camp for over four summers and there were hundreds of kids in the greater Salem area who knew me as "Giraffe". By the end of my stint there, I had been given giraffes of all shapes and sizes, had an official "favorite" animal, and would forever be identified with this tall, graceful giant.
My friend Miss Marie, on the other hand, wasn't so sure about the giant head and tongue less than a foot from her head!!
We had a great time at Wildlife Safari with our three kids and my nephew. Great day. I recommend it. It's worth the drive. And if you're a Bi-mart member (with your card to show) you get in two for the price of one on Tuesdays.

And I highly recommend the extra $10/person to go on the giraffe "encounter" and feed the giraffes! (and if you have a large group and ask for a discount they just might cut some off the price. I saved $40 on our two encounters just by asking.)

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