Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What we release

Abby slept fitfully last night. Translation, I was up a LOT to cover her with a blanket, sooth her cries, sit with her when she just seemed to cry for no reason. . . It was a long night. She finally came to our room at 6:30am and fell fast asleep until 8:00 when Josiah woke her up so that we could get going to VBS.

Interestingly enough, I watched a movie last night in the room adjoined to Abby's. It was an innocent enough movie - I don't go for anything hard core - I think it was "The Little Princess." (I told you it was innocent.) It was a cute movie and I never would have thought another thing of it had Abby not had such a fitful night.

However, in the middle of the night, when Abby was half awake and half asleep, and I was fully awake and frustrated, I wondered if there was something in the movie that had been released into the spiritual atmosphere of our home. I started to think back through it, and there was an Indian witches' curse, a multi-headed fictional demon, a very nice, powerful Indian man who seemed to work magic, and a basic sense of fear and oppression. (until the happily ever after) Hmmm.

Let me restate that I thought the movie was cute, with a feel-good message. I don't really know if this particular movie had any spiritual impact on my daughter, or if she just had a rough night. However, I do firmly believe that we, as Children of God, release and cut off certain authorities in the heavenly realms. The Bible says our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual powers and principalities of this dark world. (See Ephesians 6) The weapons of our warfare are not the same as the world's warfare. Authority and power look different than what we anticipate. We need to be aware of what our thoughts, actions and words release in the spiritual realm.

Will we release shame, immorality, irresponsibility, blaming and selfishness - the fruits of the human body and mind - or will we release love, joy, peace, patience, purity. . . - the Fruits of God's Holy Spirit? I'm not really sure how this all works, and if watching a fearful movie can make my daughter have a fearful night, but I wouldn't put it past the Devil - the enemy who roams around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. If my attitudes, actions, decisions and words give an opening for evil, then I need to rethink the way I'm living.

I didn't really mean for this post to be about the Devil, I had more thought of it as a call to be aware that what we choose to focus on will impact our home and family. So take it with a grain of salt and ask God if there's anything to it.


  1. Oh and I can't resist making you laugh and suggesting that perhaps it was your cooking. :)

  2. Could have been the cooking :) Love you
